Prostatitis is always associated with very unpleasant feelings for a man: problems with urination, unstable erection, etc. The quality of life with prostatitis is seriously impaired. When the resulting problems force a visit to a urologist, the question of the patient's sexual life is not always considered. In fact, sex with prostatitis is often associated with various types of erectile dysfunction, so many patients do not attempt sexual intercourse at all. But in some cases, the problems are not so pronounced, the patient remains sexually active, so he is not alien to the joys of sexual life. Is it possible to have sex if the gland is inflamed or are such pleasures still forbidden?

Prostate and its role in a man's life
First, it is worth understanding the importance of the prostate in every man's life. The prostate is the most important organ in the body. If it is damaged, male infertility and even oncology can develop. Therefore, it is important to maintain health in general, and especially the organ, which will allow a man to maintain energy and sex life until old age. This chestnut-shaped organ is located in front of the rectum below the bladder and surrounds the urinary canal.
The prostate consists of glandular tissue that produces prostate juice, and muscle structures that force this secretion to move through the glandular channels, which eliminates the possibility of blockage, and thus prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the prostate. The organ performs three important functions:
- Engine.Between the lobules of the prostate there are muscular structures, due to the contraction of which urine is retained during an active erection and the release of sperm. If the functioning of the prostate is disturbed, erectile and urinary problems appear. Based on this, doctors often determine that the motor activity of the prostate is impaired.
- Secretary.It consists of the creation of a special secretion that contains a mass of bioactive enzymatic substances such as cholesterol and proteolites, biogenic amines and phospholipids, citrate citrate and zinc. This secretion creates a fertile ground for sperm when it is released with the sperm during ejaculation. Full secretion production is controlled by testosterone, which is produced in the testicles and adrenal glands.
- Barrier.Prostate juice contains many enzymatic substances and polyan, which prevent the penetration of infectious agents into the urinary tract.
Simply put, the prostate is responsible for potency and other functions that ensure the exchange of sexual hormonal substances, which positively affects sexual life and the health of the genitourinary system. The functioning of the entire male reproductive system depends on the activity of the gland. According to scientific classification, prostate functions are divided into three main areas, but in reality there are many more. Therefore, even a slight deviation in the work of the gland can lead to quite serious consequences.
What are the dangers of prostate pathologies?
Many men do not take prostate pathology seriously enough. In the meantime, inflammatory lesions of the prostate cannot be ignored, because they are a trigger for the development of dangerous genitourinary pathologies. Statistics say that after the age of 45, in the absence of preventive measures, every second man shows signs of inflammatory processes in the prostate tissues. Moreover, in 50% of these patients, the diagnosis reveals chronic and advanced prostatitis.

The need to treat prostatitis is due to the high risk of complications. First, there is a noticeable decrease in erectile functions and sexual desire, as well as a lack of erection. Almost all pathologies of the prostate and genitourinary system are accompanied by similar symptoms. If a man avoids sexual relations, then the development of prostate inflammation can be suspected, especially in the absence of morning erection and frequent urination at night.
Second, untreated prostatitis can be complicated by the chronicity of the inflammatory process and its spread to other pelvic structures such as the urethra, seminal vesicles or testicles. In addition, the lack of therapy for prostatitis can lead to sepsis and abscess of the prostate tissue, sclerotic processes in the prostate. Also, neglecting treatment is dangerous for the development of erectile dysfunction, infertility, and even malignant tumor lesions in the gland.
Men who love should be especially careful, because the presence of an inflammatory process indicates the presence of pathogenic microorganisms that caused it. Frequent changes of sexual partners threaten the development of sexually transmitted infections, which subsequently cause inflammation of the prostate. And multiple pathogenic microorganisms such as chlamydia and mycoplasmosis, streptococci or staphylococci, trichomonas or gardnerella will be much more difficult to destroy. Therefore, especially promiscuous men must use barrier methods of contraception to prevent prostate pathologies and sexually transmitted diseases.
Partner prostatitis is also dangerous for women, because after intercourse the inflammatory process can spread to the lining of the woman's urethra, and then to the bladder, which is why cystitis develops after sex. Therefore, the pathology cannot be ignored.
Prostatitis and sex
Most patients doubt that it is possible to have sex with prostatitis. The question is ambiguous.
Experts say that with prostatitis, a certain abstinence is necessary in terms of sexual pleasures, but at the same time, regular sexual intercourse is also important. These recommendations are mutually exclusive, but they have their place.
As you know, an excellent prevention of prostate blockage is gland massage. And the best massage is sexual intercourse, during which ejaculation occurs, followed by contractions of the gland and pelvic muscles. As a result, the accumulated secretion is released from the gland together with the ejaculate, and blood flow increases in the small pelvis, which contributes to the accelerated removal of decomposition products. Therefore, sexual intimacy helps to normalize prostate activity.

If we consider the problem from the perspective of the dynamics of the pathological process, it is clear that the sexual abstinence indicated by the specialist will most likely, on the contrary, cause a worsening of the patient's pathological condition. Turns out sex is good for you. Practice shows that it is impossible to solve the problem of congestive prostate phenomena only with the help of drugs, even super effective ones. A course of deep prostate massage is necessary, that is, sex cures prostatitis. Men should remember that the lack of demand for the glandular organ, that is, long-term sexual abstinence, will inevitably lead to stagnation, which only worsens the inflammatory state of the prostate.
So, prostatitis and sex are completely compatible conditions, but the stage of the pathological process and the degree of its severity are important, because in some forms of prostatitis, sex can be harmful and therefore contraindicated. In addition, sometimes the disease is so serious that the man is physically unable to perform marital duties. Therefore, a consultation with a urologist is necessary in each individual case.
How does prostatitis affect sex life?
Inflammatory lesions of the prostate occur in 30-40% of men aged 25-45, and there are more and more young patients with this pathology. Some experts suggest that the development of prostatitis is encouraged by insufficiently regular sexual life of patients, which is somewhat true. Regular intercourse improves the functionality of the male reproductive structures, and the hormonal status is restored. But excessive activity or insufficient sexual contacts can cause the development of inflammatory damage to the prostate tissue. Against the background of infrequent sexual intercourse, congestion in the prostate and pelvic structures in general is possible.
- Stagnation of prostate secretion and blood flow contributes to the development of infectious pathologies and chronicity of the acute process of the prostate.
- But excessive sexual activity can also lead to the development of prostate inflammation, especially if a man changes partners too often.
- Such sexual activity is associated with a high risk of transmitting infections that can cause the development of prostatitis.
It affects the probability of developing prostatitis and the quality of sexual intimacy. During sexual excitement, blood flow in the pelvis increases, blood reaches the genitals and prostate. When orgasm occurs, contractions of the gland begin, with the help of which it gets rid of excess blood in the vascular channels. Therefore, sexual intercourse is a kind of preventive method against the development of inflammatory lesions in the gland. This proves that it is possible to have sex when prostatitis is treated. It only matters how. Interrupted or too long sexual contact, on the contrary, increases the likelihood of prostate inflammation.
Unfortunately, prostate pathologies are accompanied by serious sexual disorders. In order to understand how prostatitis affects sexual life, it is enough to look at the possible complications of the pathology, among which erectile dysfunction, i. e. impotence, is quite common. Half of prostate patients have erectile disorders and weakened erections of varying severity. And 25% of patients have problems in the form of low libido and sexual desire. Such changes negatively affect the quality of sexual and personal life of patients. As a result of erectile problems, almost all men notice a decrease in the frequency of intercourse due to prostatitis. As a result, relationships with sexual partners deteriorate and even end.
In the background of the sexual problems that arise, psychological problems also develop, according to statistics, 75% of patients with prostatitis have a symptom such as psychological stress. This condition arises under the influence of several factors such as chronic pain during urination, erection and ejaculation, which leads to subconscious limitation of sexual intercourse.
Treatment of prostatitis with sex
So, it was said above that sexual activity in prostatitis is only encouraged, but such recommendations should not be abused, otherwise the treatment can be harmful. Here, as with medication, dosage and treatment regimen are important. Therefore, the treatment of prostatitis with sex requires compliance with certain rules.
- To begin with, it is worth learning that sexual intimacy should be regular. Regularity here does not mean a lot of sexual relations. Intimacy should take place under conditions of moderate intensity, so as not to cause additional violations and not to cause even greater damage to an already damaged inflamed prostate. The duration of such treatment is not important, the most important thing is that each contact ends with mandatory ejaculation. In the presence of chronic inflammation, patients are often tormented by painful sensations, in such a situation it is necessary to refrain from sexual pleasures for some time. If the patient is not inclined to have sex even in the presence of pain, the use of barrier contraception is recommended. This is necessary in order to avoid the transfer of pathogenic microflora to the sexual partner.
- So, patients are allowed to have sexual intercourse, but a mandatory condition for sexual life with prostatitis is monogamy - there must be one partner for sexual intercourse. This requirement is due to the individual microflora of each person, so unwanted contact with different microbes occurs when changing sexual partners. Although they are not pathogenic in nature, they can still cause complications of the inflammatory process, because the affected gland has a hard time fighting against foreign microorganisms.
- If a couple has anal sex, then it is necessary to use a condom, because the partner's rectum also has its own microflora, which, penetrating through the urethra into the prostate tissue, can cause various complications.
Prostatitis cannot be cured by medication alone, it requires stimulation and massage of the prostate tissue, which can be achieved through regular sexual intercourse.
Prevention of prostatitis
Sex is a very effective medicine not only in the treatment of congestion and inflammation of the prostate, but also in the prevention of such conditions. What are the preventive benefits of sexual intercourse? During sexual contact, a strong anesthetic substance is released into the male body, which helps in dealing with unpleasant and painful feelings. If unbearable pain interferes with a normal and fulfilling sex life, then about half an hour before intimacy, you can take a painkiller to make love smoothly.
If the patient has prostatitis of bacterial origin, prostate massage is contraindicated. In this situation, regular sex will help to deal with prostate blockage and stimulate the secretion of prostate juice.
If a man regularly has sexual relations with one partner, then he will not encounter such a pathological condition as prostatitis, provided that there is no other influence on the prostate or nearby pelvic structures. According to statistics, the probability of prostate development with regular sexual activity is significantly reduced. If a man has already been diagnosed with acute inflammation of the prostate, then through the practice of regular sexual intercourse, he will prevent the degeneration of the acute form of the pathology into a chronic one.
When prostatitis is diagnosed, a man must strictly monitor his lifestyle and sexual partners. Treatment must be prescribed by a specialist. In sexual life, it is better to focus on one woman, then regular sex will speed up recovery, prevent the development of complications on the prostate and free the patient from congestion in the glandular tissues.